Wood frame construction prefabricated homes for developers, local authorities and companies
An increasing number of public and private developers, local authorities and companies are turning to prefabricated houses for their building projects and hence to wood frame construction.
The advantages of wood frame construction are clearly evident
- Absolute transparency from planning to completion
- Individual building
- High manufacturing quality due to industrial pre-production
- Adherence to deadlines and fixed prices
- A short construction period that reduces financing costs considerably
In addition our innovative minimum energy and passive house construction methods secure high residential building grants. These factors can provide additional returns and cost cutting potential for both the developer and other clients. A high level of potential customer interest is certain, alone with regard to energy certification and hence the energy efficiency of your project.
Efficiency is the decisive factor with regard to time, costs and energy
In line with your requirements, VARIO-BAU offers individual planning and competent consultancy that also cover residential and estate construction. The related high architectonic and functional quality has already served to convince numerous clients.
A diversity of stages with regard to construction, installations and fixtures and fittings are available that offer a choice, which extends up to turnkey handover. This secures the required flexibility and know-how from planning to a general contractor function. Moreover, we build in Austrian quality and naturally possess a European Technical Licence.
For many years, VARIO-BAU has been active in international joint venture projects in the prefabricated housing area. The main factors in this regard are market estimations and production and sales know-how transfers.
Cooperations exist currently with partners in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Details are available under “Advisors Near You”.
In addition, a subsidiary operating under the name VARIO-HAUS Italia Srl., deals with our strongest export market in northern Italy from the company base and model house in Nals (Southern Tyrol). All the houses destined for export are manufactured entirely at the plant in Wiener Neustadt and are then largely assembled by company specialist personnel.
However, it should be stressed that VARIO-BAU can not only deliver complete houses, but also separate important components such as walls, ceilings and trusses. As this solely involves industrial production, clients can obtain notable price advantages. Furthermore, transport by truck or large container is no problem.
Should you be interested in an export cooperation with VARIO-BAU, please contact our CEO, Josef Gruber, directly at josef.gruber@variobau.at
Successfully completed projects
- Passiv-Wohnhausanlage AuersthalAuersthalIndividual planning
- Tierklinik Wr. NeustadtWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Wohnhausanlange SonnenheideWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Hotel LamedeWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Betreutes Wohnen SchwarzauSchwarzau am SteinfeldIndividual planning
- Dental-ZentrumVeldenIndividual planning
- Passiv-Reihenhaus-AnlageGießhüblIndividual planning
- Skichalet am KatschbergSt. Michael im LungauIndividual planning
- Wohnanlage mit 30 EinheitenHinterbrühlIndividual planning
- Niedrigenergie Bürogebäude Coca ColaWienIndividual planning
- Wohnanlage mit 10 EinheitenPittenIndividual planning
- Apartmenthaus MaiwaldDonauwörthIndividual planning
- ÄrztezentrumOberpullendorfIndividual planning
- BürogebäudeWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Bürogebäude Sparer WienWienIndividual planning
- Dienstleistungs-ZentrumTeesdorfIndividual planning
- Doppelhaus-Anlage SonnendorfTeesdorfIndividual planning
- Doppelhaus-anlage ZwentendorfZwentendorfIndividual planning
- Doppelhausanlage St. MichaelSankt Michael im LungauBased on Duplex D113 XL
- HotelerweiterungReischach/BruneckIndividual planning
- Kindergarten ORFWienIndividual planning
- Kondominium mit 13 EinheitenRuffré/MendelpassIndividual planning
- Kondominium mit 16 EinheitenBulgarograsso (IT)Individual planning
- Mehrfamilienhaus SchelfiBrentonicoIndividual planning
- Mehrgeschossige WohnanlageWienIndividual planning
- Niedrigenergie ReihenhausanlageBerndorfIndividual planning
- Niedrigenergie-WohnhausanlageTernitzIndividual planning
- Passiv-Wohnhausanlage SonnenheideWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Reihenhausanlage PfaffstättenPfaffstättenIndividual planning
- Reihenhäuser in Brunn am GebirgeBrunn am GebirgeIndividual planning
- Villenwohnanlage im AkademieparkWiener NeustadtIndividual planning
- Wohn- und BürogebäudeNeusiedlIndividual planning
- Wohnanlage mit 40 EinheitenZwentendorfIndividual planning
- Wohnhausanlage EggendorfEggendorfIndividual planning